# Getting Started

# Prerequisites

# Quick Start

The fastest way to use this theme is to use our create-vt generator (opens new window), which will help scaffold a basic VuePress site with this theme for you.

To use it, open up your terminal in the desired directory and run the following command:

npm create vt@latest [optionalDirectoryName]

The command will interactively ask for details to configure your VuePress site’s metadata such as:

  • Project Name
  • Description
  • Maintainer Email
  • Maintainer Name

To see it in action, navigate into newly scaffolded directory, install the dependencies and start the local server:

pnpm run dev

# Manual Installation

If you prefer, you can build a basic VuePress documentation site from ground up instead of using the generator mentioned above.

  1. Create and change into a new directory
mkdir my-vt && cd my-vt
  1. Initialize with your preferred package manager
pnpm init
  1. Install vuepress-theme-vt and vuepress locally
pnpm i vuepress-theme-vt vuepress -D
  1. Create your first document
mkdir docs && echo '# Hello VT' > docs/README.md
  1. Create config file and use this theme

Creating .vuepress/config.js (opens new window) with following config:

// .vuepress/config.js
module.exports = {
  theme: "vt",
  themeConfig: {},
  1. Add npm scripts to package.json

This step is optional but highly recommended, as the rest of the documentation will assume those scripts being present.

  "scripts": {
    "docs:dev": "vuepress dev docs",
    "docs:build": "vuepress build docs"
  1. Serve the documentation site in the local server
npm run docs:dev

VuePress will start a hot-reloading development server at http://localhost:8080 (opens new window).

By now, you should have a basic VuePress documentation site powered by VT.